2024 Media Kit

Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Media Kit

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  • 180,413 Radiology Specialty Average Monthly Visits


Online Only




Radiology; Neurology


Radiology residents and practitioners

Content Focus

Each issue of Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging targets a single area of broad interest in MRI with focused, comprehensive coverage to foster in-depth understanding of state-of-the-art developments of the modality. Hands-on, practical information on MRI applications for sports injuries, pediatrics, head and neck, angiography, and more, along with discussions and updates on new techniques, indications, instrumentation, and contrast agents, are presented in an easy-to-read, highly accessible format.


Tilman Emrich, MD


6 issues / year

Advertising Guidelines

Subject to approval by Editor. New copy must be received by the Publisher two weeks before closing date.