2025 Media Kit

Clinical Nurse Specialist

Media Kit

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  • 1,920 Total Subscribers
  • 430,469 Nursing (General) Specialty Average Monthly Visits


Print and Online




Nursing (General); Nursing - Advanced Practice


Clinical nurse specialists, critical care nurse specialists, adult/gerontology nurse specialists, pediatrics nurse specialists, neonatal nurse specialists, rehabilitation nurse specialists

Content Focus

The purpose of Clinical Nurse Specialistâ„¢: The International Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice is to disseminate outcomes of clinical nurse specialist practice, to foster continued development of the clinical nurse specialist role, and to highlight clinical nurse specialist contributions to advancing nursing practice and health policy globally. Objectives of the journal are: 1. Disseminate knowledge about clinical nurse specialist competencies and the education and regulation of practice; 2. Communicate outcomes of clinical nurse specialist practice on quality, safety, and cost of nursing and health services across the continuum of care; 3. Promote evidence-based practice and innovation in the transformation of nursing and health policy for the betterment of the public welfare; 4. Foster intra-professional and interdisciplinary dialogue addressing nursing and health services for specialty populations in diverse care settings and cultures.

Organizational Affiliation

Official Journal of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists


Janet S. Fulton, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FCNS, FAAN


6 issues / year

Advertising Guidelines

Subject to approval by Editor. New copy must be received by the Publisher two weeks before closing date.